In this solution, we are looking at all the triplets with values smaller than or equal to those in the target array and merging them into one triplet, temp.

This way, we will make the greatest triplet that is smaller than equal to the target triplet, which will be the closest we can make to target.

func mergeTriplets(triplets [][]int, target []int) bool {
    var temp [3]int
    // Loop through all triplets
    for _, i := range triplets {
        // If the triplet is smaller than or equal to the target
        if i[0] <= target[0] && i[1] <= target[1] && i[2] <= target[2] {
            // If the triplet is smaller than or equal to the target, merge it into temp
            temp = [3]int{max(i[0],temp[0]), max(i[1],temp[1]), max(i[2], temp[2])}
    // If temp is equal to target, return true
    return temp[0] == target[0] && temp[1] == target[1] && temp[2] == target[2]
// Helper function to get the max of two numbers
func max (i, j int) int { 
    if i > j {
        return i 
    } else { 
        return j 